What to put with betta fish

What to Put with Betta Fish – Best Tankmates for Betta Fish

What to Put with Betta Fish – Best Tankmates for Betta Fish

When it comes to setting up a betta fish tank, one of the most common questions is what tankmates are suitable to coexist with betta fish. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are known to be territorial and aggressive. Therefore, it is crucial to choose tankmates that can live harmoniously with bettas without compromising their well-being.

1. Snails

One of the ideal tankmates for betta fish is snails, specifically apple snails and mystery snails. These snails are peaceful and can help keep the tank clean by consuming algae and waste. However, it’s important to ensure that the snails’ shells are intact, as bettas can mistake them for food if they are damaged.

2. Shrimp

Another popular option for tankmates with betta fish is shrimp, such as cherry shrimp or Amano shrimp. Shrimp are small and have a peaceful nature, making them suitable companions for bettas. However, it is crucial to provide hiding places for shrimp, as bettas may see them as a potential snack.

3. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are peaceful bottom-dwelling fish that can coexist well with bettas. They can help keep the tank clean by consuming leftover food and debris. However, it is essential to provide enough hiding spots for them, as bettas may occasionally chase or nip at them.

4. Neon Tetras

Neon tetras can be suitable tankmates for bettas if the tank is large enough. It is recommended to have a school of at least six neon tetras to spread out the aggression of the bettas. However, keep in mind that neon tetras are known to be delicate and may require specific water parameters to thrive.

5. Live Plants

While not a traditional tankmate, live plants can provide numerous benefits in a betta fish tank. They create a natural and aesthetically pleasing environment for the fish, help maintain water quality by absorbing nitrates, and offer hiding spots for bettas and other tankmates. Some suitable live plants for betta fish tanks include Java fern, Anubias, and Amazon sword.


When selecting tankmates for betta fish, it is important to consider their compatibility and the well-being of the fish. Snails, shrimp, corydoras catfish, neon tetras, and live plants are excellent choices to coexist with bettas in a well-maintained tank. However, always closely monitor the interactions between the tankmates and be prepared to make adjustments if any aggression or stress is observed.



