How long do betta fish stay pregnant

How Long Do Betta Fish Stay Pregnant?

How Long Do Betta Fish Stay Pregnant?

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are popular aquarium pets known for their vibrant colors and flowing fins. If you’re a betta fish owner or considering getting one, you might be curious about their reproductive cycle and how long they stay pregnant. In this article, we will explore the gestation period of betta fish and provide you with the information you need.

Gestation Period of Betta Fish

Betta fish do not get pregnant in the same way as mammals do. Instead of carrying their eggs internally, female bettas lay their eggs in a bubble nest created by the male betta. Once the eggs are laid, the male betta fertilizes them and guards the bubble nest until the fry hatch.

The time it takes for betta fish eggs to hatch can vary, but on average, it usually takes around 24 to 48 hours. After hatching, the fry are still dependent on the yolk sac attached to their bodies for nutrition. This period can last for two to three days, during which the fry should be separated from the adult bettas to prevent them from being eaten.

Key Points to Note

  • Betta fish do not have a traditional pregnancy period.
  • Female bettas lay their eggs in a bubble nest created by the male betta.
  • Eggs usually hatch within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Fry are initially dependent on their yolk sac for nutrition.
  • Separating the fry from the adult bettas is important to ensure their survival.


In summary, betta fish do not stay pregnant in the same way as mammals. Female bettas lay their eggs in a bubble nest created by the male betta, and the eggs hatch within 24 to 48 hours. It is crucial to separate the fry from the adult bettas to give them the best chance of survival. By understanding the reproductive cycle of betta fish, you can provide the necessary care and ensure the well-being of your beloved aquatic pets.



