What kind of fish can be kept in a tank with a betta

What Kind of Fish Can Be Kept in a Tank with a Betta

What Kind of Fish Can Be Kept in a Tank with a Betta

Keeping fish as pets can be a rewarding and relaxing hobby. One popular fish for beginner aquarium enthusiasts is the betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish. Betta fish are known for their vibrant colors and long, flowing fins. Many people wonder what kind of fish can be kept in a tank with a betta. In this article, we will explore the best tankmates for betta fish and how to ensure a peaceful coexistence.

Compatibility with Other Fish

Betta fish are known to be aggressive and territorial, especially towards fish with long, flowing fins like their own. Therefore, it is important to choose tankmates that are compatible with bettas and can hold their own ground. Here are some fish species that can generally be kept in a tank with a betta:

  • 1. Corydoras Catfish: These small, peaceful bottom-dwelling fish are a popular choice to keep with bettas. They are easy to care for and help keep the tank clean.
  • 2. Neon Tetras: These colorful schooling fish are peaceful and can add a lively dynamic to the aquarium. However, make sure to keep them in a school of at least six to avoid stress.
  • 3. Harlequin Rasboras: These small, peaceful fish have a vibrant red color and can coexist well with bettas.
  • 4. African Dwarf Frogs: These aquatic frogs can make interesting tankmates for betta fish. Make sure to provide them with hiding spots as they enjoy having their own space.

It is important to note that every betta fish has its own temperament, so it is crucial to monitor their behavior when introducing any new fish to the tank. If the betta becomes overly aggressive, it may be necessary to separate the fish and find an alternative tankmate.

Setting Up a Peaceful Environment

Creating a peaceful environment is key to ensuring the compatibility of bettas with other fish. Here are some tips to promote a peaceful coexistence:

  • 1. Provide Sufficient Space: Betta fish need ample space to establish their territory. Ensure that the tank is large enough to accommodate multiple fish and has plenty of hiding spots.
  • 2. Add Plants and Decorations: Live or artificial plants and decorations can help create hiding spots and break the line of sight between fish, reducing aggression.
  • 3. Maintain Good Water Quality: Regular water changes and appropriate filtration are essential for the health and well-being of all fish in the tank.
  • 4. Introduce Tankmates Slowly: Gradually introduce new fish to the tank to allow the betta to become accustomed to their presence. Monitor their behavior closely during the introduction period.


While betta fish can be aggressive, there are several species that can be kept in a tank with them. Corydoras catfish, neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and African dwarf frogs are all popular choices for tankmates. However, it is important to monitor the behavior of the betta and any new fish introduced to ensure compatibility. By providing a peaceful environment with ample space, hiding spots, and good water quality, you can create a harmonious community tank with a betta fish and its tankmates.



