What other fish can you put with a betta

What Other Fish Can You Put with a Betta?

What Other Fish Can You Put with a Betta?

The beautiful and vibrant betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, is a popular choice among fish enthusiasts. Known for their stunning colors and flowing fins, bettas make great pets. However, it’s important to understand their compatibility with other fish species before adding any tankmates. In this article, we will explore some suitable tankmates for bettas and provide helpful information on creating a harmonious aquarium environment.

Choosing Compatible Tankmates

Bettas are known to be territorial and aggressive, especially towards fish with colorful or flowing fins that they may mistake for intruders or rivals. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose tankmates that are compatible with bettas to avoid any conflicts. Here are some fish species that can coexist peacefully with bettas:

  • 1. Corydoras Catfish: These peaceful bottom-dwelling fish make great tankmates for bettas. They are easy to care for and will not disturb or agitate the betta.
  • 2. Neon Tetras: Neon tetras are small, schooling fish that add a beautiful splash of color to any aquarium. They can peacefully coexist with bettas as long as they are kept in groups of at least six to reduce stress.
  • 3. Snails: Snails, such as Nerite or Mystery snails, can make excellent companions for bettas. They are calm, slow-moving creatures and help to keep the tank clean by eating algae.
  • 4. African Dwarf Frogs: These tiny aquatic frogs are peaceful and can be an interesting addition to a betta tank. However, it’s important to ensure that the frogs have enough hiding spots to avoid any potential conflicts.
  • 5. Small Rasboras: Species such as Harlequin rasboras or Chili rasboras are peaceful and have a similar water temperature and pH requirements as bettas, making them compatible tankmates.

Setting Up the Tank

When adding tankmates to a betta tank, it’s crucial to create a suitable environment for both the betta and the other fish. Here are some important considerations:

  • Tank Size: Ensure that your tank is large enough to provide ample space for both the betta and the tankmates. A 10-gallon tank or larger is recommended.
  • Separation: Adding dividers or placing hiding spots like rocks, plants, or decorations can help create separate territories within the tank.
  • Water Parameters: Maintain suitable water conditions for both the betta and the tankmates, including temperature, pH level, and water hardness.
  • Observation: Monitor the tank regularly to ensure that there is no aggression or stress among the fish. If any conflicts arise, it may be necessary to remove or rehome the incompatible fish.


While bettas can be kept alone in a beautiful solo display tank, it’s also possible to have tankmates with appropriate care and consideration. Corydoras catfish, neon tetras, snails, African dwarf frogs, and small rasboras are some suitable options for tankmates. Remember to provide an adequate tank size and create a harmonious environment by considering the needs of both the betta and the other fish. Proper observation and maintenance will ensure a thriving community tank that showcases the beauty of these unique aquatic creatures.



