Do betta fish get along with other fish

Do Betta Fish Get Along with Other Fish?

Do Betta Fish Get Along with Other Fish?

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are popular pets due to their vibrant colors and beautiful fins. Many fish enthusiasts wonder whether Betta fish can live peacefully with other fish in the same tank or if they need to be kept alone. Let’s explore the compatibility of Betta fish with other fish species.

Understanding Betta Fish Behavior

Before considering introducing other fish to the same tank as a Betta fish, it is important to understand their behavior. Betta fish are territorial and known for their aggression, especially towards fish with long, flowing fins that resemble their own. Male Betta fish, in particular, are prone to fighting and may become aggressive towards other male Betta fish or fish with similar appearances.

Choosing Compatible Tankmates

While Betta fish may not typically get along with fish of the same species or similar appearance, they can coexist peacefully with certain other fish species. Here are some compatible tankmates that can live harmoniously with a Betta fish:

  • Tetras: Small tetra species, such as neon tetras or ember tetras, are generally peaceful and can thrive alongside a Betta fish. Ensure the tetras are not too nippy, as this can stress the Betta fish.
  • Corydoras Catfish: These bottom-dwelling fish are great companions for Betta fish. They are peaceful, active, and help keep the substrate clean.
  • Guppies: Guppies can coexist with Betta fish, but it is crucial to have more females than males to prevent aggression and minimize the chances of breeding.
  • Schooling Fish: Fish that prefer to swim in groups, such as harlequin rasboras or zebra danios, can be suitable tankmates as they are fast-moving and less likely to catch the attention of a Betta fish.
  • Snails and Shrimp: Adding small, non-aggressive snails or shrimp, such as nerite snails or cherry shrimp, can be a great addition to a Betta fish tank.

It is essential to consider the size of the tank and provide ample hiding spots for the fish to ensure a stress-free environment for all inhabitants.

Introducing Tankmates Properly

When introducing new fish to a tank with a Betta fish, it is crucial to proceed with caution to minimize stress and potential conflicts. Here are some tips for introducing tankmates properly:

  • Quarantine any new fish before introducing them to the Betta fish tank to prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Gradually acclimate the new fish to the tank’s water temperature and parameters to minimize stress.
  • Introduce the new fish to the tank when the Betta fish is well-fed and less aggressive.
  • Monitor the fish closely for any signs of aggression, such as nipping, chasing, or fin damage. If any conflicts arise, consider removing the aggressive fish and providing more hiding spots.


In conclusion, Betta fish can coexist with certain fish species, but their compatibility depends on various factors. It is crucial to select compatible tankmates, provide a spacious tank with hiding spots, and introduce new fish gradually. By following these guidelines, you can create a harmonious and peaceful environment for your Betta fish and its tankmates.



