Do betta fish drink water

Do Betta Fish Drink Water?

Do Betta Fish Drink Water?


Many people wonder if betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, drink water. This question arises due to the unique environment in which these fish live. Betta fish are native to freshwater habitats in Southeast Asia, including rice paddies and slow-moving streams. In this article, we will explore whether betta fish actually drink water and how they obtain the necessary fluids to survive.

Do Betta Fish Drink Water?

Contrary to popular belief, betta fish do not necessarily drink water the same way humans or other animals do. They do not have a specialized organ like a mouth or throat for drinking. Instead, betta fish absorb water through their gills, which extract oxygen from the water for respiration. As water passes through their gills, they are able to extract moisture from it.

Obtaining Fluids for Survival

Betta fish primarily obtain the fluids necessary for survival through the moisture present in their aquatic environment. In their natural habitat, the water is rich in essential nutrients and minerals, and the fish absorb these substances directly through their gills. This process helps them maintain their hydration levels and obtain the necessary nutrients for their well-being.

Additionally, betta fish have a labyrinth organ, which allows them to breathe atmospheric air. When betta fish come to the water’s surface, they gulp air into this organ, extracting oxygen. This adaptation further helps them maintain their hydration levels, as the air they breathe contains moisture.

Signs of Dehydration

While betta fish have mechanisms to obtain fluids and maintain hydration, it is still essential for fish owners to ensure their pet’s well-being. Dehydration can have adverse effects on betta fish and may lead to various health issues. Some signs of dehydration in betta fish include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy or decreased activity
  • Sunken or dull-looking eyes
  • Pale or discolored gills
  • Clamped or folded fins

If you notice any of these symptoms in your betta fish, it is important to take immediate action by providing clean and appropriately conditioned water, as well as considering other potential factors that may be affecting your fish’s well-being.


In conclusion, betta fish do not drink water in the conventional sense. They rely on the moisture present in their surroundings, absorbing it through their gills to obtain the necessary fluids and nutrients for survival. Proper care and attention should be given to betta fish to ensure they have a healthy and hydrated environment. Monitoring their hydration levels and providing clean water is essential for their well-being.



