How to take care of a baby betta fish in a bowl

How to Take Care of a Baby Betta Fish in a Bowl

How to Take Care of a Baby Betta Fish in a Bowl


A baby betta fish, also known as a betta fry, requires proper care and attention to ensure its health and well-being. While betta fish are typically kept in larger aquariums, it is possible to raise a baby betta fish in a bowl as long as you provide the right environment and meet its specific needs.

Key Points:

1. Selecting the Right Size Bowl

When choosing a bowl for your baby betta fish, it is important to ensure it provides enough space for swimming. A bowl with a minimum capacity of 2 gallons is recommended to allow for adequate oxygen exchange and to prevent the water from becoming polluted too quickly.

2. Maintaining Water Quality

Regularly monitoring and maintaining water quality is crucial for the health of your baby betta fish. Use a water conditioner to remove harmful chemicals and toxins, and maintain the water temperature between 78°F and 80°F. Perform partial water changes, replacing about 25% of the water every week, to keep the environment clean.

3. Feeding

Baby betta fish have tiny mouths and require specialized food. Look for powdered or finely crushed betta-specific fry food, which is high in protein. Feed small amounts multiple times a day, making sure they consume all the food within a few minutes. Gradually introduce larger pellets as they grow.

4. Providing Hiding Places

Baby betta fish need places to hide and feel secure. Place live or silk plants, or even small decorations, in the bowl to provide hiding spots. This will help reduce stress and promote their overall well-being.

5. Monitoring Health

Regularly observe the behavior and appearance of your baby betta fish to spot any signs of illness or stress. Look out for abnormalities such as loss of appetite, lethargy, fin rot, and unusual markings. If you notice any concerns, consult a veterinarian who specializes in fish care.


Taking care of a baby betta fish in a bowl requires attention to water quality, feeding, and providing a safe and stimulating environment. By selecting the right size bowl, maintaining water quality, feeding properly, and monitoring the fish’s health, you can ensure that your baby betta fish thrives in its bowl habitat.



