How to transfer a betta fish from one tank to another

How to Transfer a Betta Fish from One Tank to Another

How to Transfer a Betta Fish from One Tank to Another

Transferring a betta fish from one tank to another can be a delicate process. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are known for their beautiful colors and unique personalities. Whether you’re upgrading their tank or need to move them for other reasons, it’s important to follow the proper steps to ensure their safety and well-being.

Why do you need to transfer a betta fish?

There are several reasons why you may need to transfer your betta fish to a new tank:

  • Upgrading to a larger tank
  • Cleaning or maintaining the current tank
  • Separating aggressive fish
  • Re-arranging the tank setup


Before transferring your betta fish, it’s important to prepare both the new tank and its environment. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A clean, appropriate-sized tank for your betta fish
  • Water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals
  • Aquarium filter, heater, and thermometer (if necessary)
  • New tank decorations and hiding spots
  • Net or container to catch and transfer the fish

Step-by-step guide to transferring a betta fish

Follow these steps to safely transfer your betta fish from one tank to another:

1. Prepare the new tank

Clean the new tank and set it up according to the needs of your betta fish. Make sure the water temperature and quality are appropriate. Allow the tank to run for at least 24 hours to stabilize before transferring your fish.

2. Prepare the old tank

If you’re transferring your betta fish to clean or maintain the old tank, take the necessary steps to ensure its cleanliness. Remove any decorations, plants, or rocks that could harm your fish during the process.

3. Catch your betta fish

Using a net or container, carefully catch your betta fish from the old tank. Be gentle and try not to stress or injure the fish during this process. Avoid using your hands as oils and chemicals on your skin can harm the fish.

4. Transfer the betta fish

Once you have caught your betta fish, transfer it immediately to the new tank. Try to minimize the time it spends outside of water to reduce stress. Slowly acclimate the fish to the new tank by floating the container or bag in the tank for about 15 minutes. This helps to equalize the temperature and prevent shock.

5. Monitor the fish

After transferring your betta fish, monitor its behavior closely for the first few days to ensure it is adjusting well to the new tank. Pay attention to signs of stress, such as loss of appetite or unusual swimming patterns. Make sure the water parameters are appropriate and provide a stress-free environment.


Transferring a betta fish from one tank to another requires careful preparation and execution. By following the step-by-step guide mentioned above, you can ensure a safe and stress-free transfer for your betta fish. Remember to provide a suitable environment in the new tank and monitor your fish’s behavior closely to ensure its well-being.



