What can be in a tank with a betta fish

What Can Be in a Tank with a Betta Fish

What Can Be in a Tank with a Betta Fish


When it comes to keeping a betta fish, it’s important to create a suitable environment that promotes their health and well-being. One common question that arises is what can be safely kept in a tank with a betta fish. This article will provide you with valuable insights and recommendations on tank mates and suitable companions for your betta fish.

Key Points

1. Other Betta Fish

If you want to have more than one betta fish in the same tank, it’s crucial to understand that not all bettas get along well with each other. They are territorial by nature and may engage in aggressive behavior, especially when they perceive other bettas as a threat. However, certain species of betta fish, such as the Betta splendens, can coexist peacefully in larger tanks with proper tank setup and adequate hiding places. It’s important to monitor their behavior closely and be prepared to separate them if aggression becomes an issue.

2. Non-aggressive Community Fish

In addition to other betta fish, several non-aggressive community fish can cohabitate harmoniously with a betta fish. These fish should have compatible water parameter requirements and temperament. Some suitable tank mates for betta fish include:

  • Neon Tetras
  • Harlequin Rasboras
  • Corydoras Catfish
  • Platies
  • Swordtails

Always research the specific requirements and behavior of any fish before introducing them to a betta fish tank. Avoid colorful or long-finned fish that may trigger the betta’s aggressive tendencies.

3. Invertebrates

Another option for tank companions are invertebrates. These can add diversity to your aquarium without posing a threat to the betta fish. Popular choices include:

  • Ghost Shrimp
  • Amano Shrimp
  • Cherry Shrimp
  • Snails (such as Nerite Snails)

Do note that some bettas may still exhibit predatory behavior towards smaller invertebrates, so it’s important to closely monitor their interactions.


Choosing suitable tank mates for your betta fish requires careful consideration. While not all betta fish are compatible with each other, certain species and non-aggressive community fish can peacefully coexist in the same tank. Additionally, invertebrates can provide added visual interest to your aquarium setup. Always research the specific requirements and behavior of each potential tank mate to ensure a harmonious environment for your betta fish.



