What fish are good tankmates for bettas

What Fish are Good Tankmates for Bettas? | Betta Fish Tankmates

What Fish are Good Tankmates for Bettas?

Adding tankmates to your betta fish’s aquarium can be a great way to enhance the beauty and liveliness of your tank. However, not all fish are compatible with bettas, as they have a reputation for being aggressive and territorial. To ensure a harmonious and peaceful environment for your betta and its tankmates, it’s important to choose the right fish. Here are some options for good tankmates for bettas:

1. Peaceful Community Fish

When selecting tankmates for your betta, it’s best to choose peaceful community fish that have a calm temperament and can coexist well with bettas. Some popular options include:

  • Neon Tetras
  • Corydoras Catfish
  • Harlequin Rasboras
  • Otocinclus Catfish
  • Guppies

2. Bottom Dwellers

Bottom-dwelling fish are a good choice as tankmates for bettas because they occupy a different area of the tank and are less likely to come into direct contact with the betta. Some suitable bottom-dwellers include:

  • Mystery Snails
  • Ghost Shrimp
  • Kuhli Loaches
  • Bristlenose Plecos

3. Peaceful Gouramis

In some cases, peaceful gouramis can make good tankmates for bettas. It’s important to choose species that are compatible and have similar care requirements. Examples of peaceful gouramis that can coexist with bettas include:

  • Dwarf Gouramis
  • Pearl Gouramis
  • Honey Gouramis

4. Tank Size and Compatibility

While these fish are generally considered compatible with bettas, it’s essential to consider the tank size and compatibility of the specific fish you choose. Bettas, despite their aggressive nature, can have individual personalities, and some may be more tolerant of tankmates than others. It’s crucial to provide sufficient space and hiding spots for all the fish in the tank to minimize aggression and territorial behavior.


When choosing tankmates for your betta fish, opt for peaceful community fish, bottom-dwellers, or peaceful gouramis. Ensure compatibility between the chosen fish and provide sufficient space and hiding spots to create a harmonious aquarium environment. Remember to monitor the behavior of all the fish and be prepared to make changes if any aggression or compatibility issues arise. With careful selection and monitoring, you can create a beautiful and thriving community tank with your betta as the centerpiece.



