What fish are good with bettas

What Fish Are Good With Bettas

What Fish Are Good With Bettas

Many fish enthusiasts love the beautiful and vibrant colors of betta fish and often wonder what other fish can coexist peacefully in the same tank. While bettas are known for their territorial nature, there are actually a variety of fish species that can make great tank mates for bettas. Here are some fish that are good companions for bettas in a community tank:


Guppies are often considered one of the best tank mates for bettas due to their peaceful nature and vibrant colors. They are generally small and have long flowing fins, making them visually appealing alongside bettas. However, it is important to avoid keeping male guppies with male bettas, as they may trigger aggression.

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small, peaceful fish that can add a stunning pop of color to your betta tank. They are known for their vibrant blue and red stripes and are relatively easy to care for. Make sure to keep them in a school of at least six to provide a sense of security and minimize stress.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that can help keep the tank clean by consuming leftover food and debris. They are peaceful and have a unique appearance with their armored body and barbels. It’s important to choose smaller species, such as the dwarf corydoras, as larger species may compete for space with bettas.

Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin rasboras are small, peaceful fish that can coexist well with bettas. They have a striking appearance with their orange and black patterned bodies. Rasboras are schooling fish, so it is best to keep them in a group of six or more to prevent stress.


Platies are another great option as tank mates for bettas. They are peaceful, colorful, and easy to care for. There are various color variations available, making them a visually appealing addition to your aquarium. Just like with guppies, avoid keeping male platies with male bettas to prevent aggression.

Avoiding Aggression

While these fish are generally considered compatible with bettas, it’s essential to monitor their behavior and provide a suitable tank environment. Here are some tips to minimize aggression:

  • Provide plenty of hiding spots and plants to create separate territories for each fish.
  • Avoid keeping multiple male bettas together, as they are highly territorial and may fight.
  • Ensure the tank is adequately sized to accommodate all the fish comfortably.
  • Introduce tank mates to the betta’s tank after the betta has established its territory.


Choosing the right tank mates for your bettas can enhance the beauty and diversity of your aquarium. Guppies, neon tetras, corydoras catfish, harlequin rasboras, and platies are all excellent choices for a community tank with bettas. Remember to always monitor the behavior of your fish and make adjustments as necessary to maintain a peaceful environment.



