What fish can be with a male betta

What Fish Can Be With a Male Betta

What Fish Can Be With a Male Betta

The popularity of Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, has skyrocketed in recent years. These colorful and vibrant fish make great pets due to their unique personalities and beautiful appearance. However, many Betta enthusiasts often wonder about suitable tankmates for their male Bettas. In this article, we will explore various fish species that can coexist peacefully with a male Betta.

Understanding the Nature of Male Bettas

Before diving into compatible tankmates, it is essential to understand the temperament and behavior of male Bettas. Male Betta fish are known for their aggression and territorial nature. They have been selectively bred for centuries to engage in fierce battles with other males. Consequently, it is crucial to choose tankmates that can peacefully coexist without triggering aggression.

Compatible Fish Species for Male Bettas

1. Schooling Fish:

Species such as neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and ember tetras are excellent choices to keep with male Bettas. These small, peaceful fish tend to swim in groups, which helps to divert the Betta’s attention away from any potential aggression.

2. Peaceful Bottom-Dwellers:

Corydoras catfish and cherry shrimp are peaceful bottom-dwelling species that can cohabit with male Bettas. They occupy different areas of the tank, reducing the chances of territorial disputes.

3. Non-Aggressive Surface Dwellers:

Species like guppies and mollies can usually coexist with male Bettas. However, it’s important to avoid long-finned varieties of guppies, as their flowing tails can trigger the Betta’s aggression.

Avoiding Incompatible Tankmates

While some fish species can coexist with male Bettas, certain tankmates should be avoided:

1. Other Male Bettas:

Never keep two male Bettas together in the same tank. Their aggressive nature will likely result in fights, leading to injuries or even death.

2. Fin-Nipping Fish:

Species like tiger barbs and serpae tetras are notorious fin-nippers, and their behavior can stress out a male Betta. It’s best to avoid keeping them together.

3. Large or Aggressive Fish:

Fish species such as cichlids or aggressive territorial fish are not suitable tankmates for male Bettas. Their size and aggressive behavior can lead to conflict and harm your Betta.


When considering tankmates for a male Betta fish, it is crucial to select species that are peaceful, non-aggressive, and can coexist harmoniously. Some examples of compatible tankmates include schooling fish, peaceful bottom-dwellers, and non-aggressive surface dwellers. However, it’s important to avoid keeping two male Bettas together or housing fin-nipping or aggressive fish with your Betta. By choosing suitable tankmates, you can create a vibrant and harmonious aquatic environment for your Betta and other fish.



