What fish can i put with a betta

What Fish Can I Put with a Betta?

What Fish Can I Put with a Betta?

Welcome to our guide on what fish can be compatible tankmates for bettas. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are beautiful and vibrant creatures that are often kept as pets. However, it is important to carefully consider the species that can coexist with a betta in the same aquarium.

Understanding Betta Behavior

Before we delve into the specific types of fish that can be housed with bettas, it’s crucial to understand their behavior. Bettas are known for their territorial nature, especially males. Male bettas are highly aggressive towards other male bettas and similarly colored fish, which can lead to fights and even death.

Compatible Fish for Betta Tanks

While many fish species may not be suitable tankmates for bettas, there are still several options that can peacefully coexist with them. Here are some compatible fish species:

1. Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small and peaceful fish that can tolerate the same water conditions as bettas. They are also colorful, making them an eye-catching addition to the aquarium. It is best to keep a group of at least six neon tetras to prevent them from becoming stressed.

2. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are bottom-dwelling, peaceful fish that can help keep the tank clean by scavenging for leftovers. They are compatible with bettas because they occupy different areas of the tank and have peaceful temperaments.

3. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin rasboras are calm and non-aggressive fish that can cohabitate with bettas. They are known for their striking appearance and tend to stay in the middle and upper levels of the aquarium, which allows them to avoid conflicts with bettas.

4. Plecos

Plecos, or plecostomus catfish, are peaceful bottom-dwellers that can coexist with bettas. They have a unique appearance and help clean algae off tank surfaces. However, it’s important to note that some plecos can grow quite large, so be sure to choose a species that will fit in your tank.

It’s essential to research the specific needs and temperaments of any fish species you plan to introduce to a betta tank.

Avoiding Incompatible Fish

It’s crucial to avoid introducing particular fish species that can lead to aggression and stress in the betta or other fish. Avoid housing bettas with:

  • Other male bettas (except in certain breeding situations)
  • Gouramis or other labyrinth fish
  • Fin-nipping fish such as tiger barbs
  • Brightly colored fish that may incite territorial behavior

Always monitor the tank for signs of aggression or stress and be prepared to separate any fish if necessary.

In Conclusion

When selecting tankmates for your betta, it is essential to choose fish with peaceful temperaments and compatible environmental requirements. Neon tetras, corydoras catfish, harlequin rasboras, and plecos are examples of fish species that can coexist harmoniously with bettas. Avoid introducing aggressive or brightly colored fish that may trigger territorial behavior in the betta. By creating a suitable environment and carefully selecting tankmates, you can create a beautiful and peaceful community aquarium.



