What is the scientific name for a betta fish

What is the Scientific Name for a Betta Fish?

What is the Scientific Name for a Betta Fish?

Keyword: what is the scientific name for a betta fish


Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are popular pets known for their vibrant colors and fin displays. These beautiful fish are native to Southeast Asia and are often kept in aquariums. In this article, we will explore the scientific name of the betta fish as well as provide some additional information about this fascinating species.

The Scientific Name for a Betta Fish

The scientific name for the betta fish is Betta splendens. It belongs to the family Osphronemidae and the genus Betta. This name is widely accepted and recognized in the scientific community.

Additional Information about Betta Fish

Betta splendens is just one of many species within the Betta genus. These fish are known for their elaborate fin structures and aggressive behavior, especially towards other male bettas. In the wild, betta fish are often found in shallow, stagnant water such as rice paddies, ditches, and small ponds.

Male bettas are more vibrant in color than their female counterparts. They have longer fins and tails, which they use to display dominance and attract mates. Female bettas, while less showy, are known for their intricate breeding behavior.


In conclusion, the scientific name for a betta fish is Betta splendens. These captivating fish are known for their vibrant colors, fin displays, and aggressive nature. Whether you are an experienced fish enthusiast or a beginner, bettas can make excellent pets given the right care and attention. So if you’re considering adding a betta fish to your aquarium, now you know its scientific name!



