What kind of fish can live with betta

What Kind of Fish Can Live with Betta – The Ultimate Guide

What Kind of Fish Can Live with Betta – The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, many people wonder what kind of fish can live with them in the same tank. Betta fish are known for their vibrant colors, long flowing fins, and territorial behavior. While they can live alone in a tank, they can also coexist with certain types of fish under the right conditions.

1. Non-aggressive Fish

In general, it is best to choose non-aggressive fish that are compatible with bettas. These fish should not have long, flowing fins that may trigger aggression in the betta. Some suitable options include:

  • Tetras – Such as neon tetras, ember tetras, and cardinal tetras. These small, schooling fish can coexist peacefully with bettas.
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnows – These active, peaceful fish can thrive in the same tank as bettas.
  • Corydoras Catfish – These bottom-dwelling, peaceful fish can help keep the tank clean and add diversity to your aquatic ecosystem.
  • Platies – These colorful, small fish can be a good addition to your betta tank.

2. Larger Tanks

If you want to introduce other fish to a betta tank, it is crucial to have a larger tank to provide enough space for all the inhabitants. A larger tank reduces the chances of overcrowding, competition for resources, and territorial disputes.

For best results, it is recommended to have a tank that is at least 20 gallons in size. This provides ample swimming space for the betta and other compatible fish.

3. Acclimation Process

When introducing new fish to a betta tank, it is vital to follow an acclimation process to minimize stress and potential aggression. Take the following steps:

  1. Place the new fish in a separate container with water from the betta tank.
  2. Float the container in the betta tank for about 15-20 minutes to allow the water temperatures to equalize.
  3. Gradually add small amounts of the betta tank water to the container every 10 minutes, adjusting the water gradually.
  4. After approximately 30 minutes, gently release the new fish into the tank.


In conclusion, there are several types of fish that can coexist peacefully with bettas, as long as certain considerations are met. Choosing non-aggressive fish, providing a larger tank, and following the acclimation process are essential for a successful community tank.

Remember, it is crucial to monitor the interactions between bettas and other fish and be prepared to separate them if aggression becomes an issue. With proper care and attention, you can create a beautiful and harmonious aquatic environment for your betta and its tankmates.



