What kinds of fish can you put with bettas

What Kinds of Fish Can You Put with Bettas

What Kinds of Fish Can You Put with Bettas?

Having a betta fish as a pet can be a rewarding experience. These vibrant and beautiful fish are known for their long, flowing fins and striking colors. However, one common question among betta fish owners is what other fish can be kept together with bettas. In this article, we will explore the types of fish that can coexist peacefully with bettas.

Understanding Betta Fish Behavior and Temperament

Before choosing tank mates for your betta fish, it’s important to understand their behavior and temperament. Bettas are known for their territorial nature, particularly the males. Male bettas are notorious for their aggression towards other male bettas, especially when they perceive them as competitors.

On the other hand, female bettas and some types of male bettas, known as “plakats,” tend to be less aggressive and can be more compatible with other fish. However, it’s always important to monitor their behavior closely, as their individual personalities can vary.

Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

When selecting tank mates for bettas, it’s crucial to choose fish that are peaceful, non-aggressive, and have similar water parameter requirements. Here are some fish species that are generally considered compatible with bettas:

1. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are small, bottom-dwelling fish that make great tank mates for bettas. They are peaceful, social, and can tolerate the same water temperature and pH levels as bettas. Additionally, their presence at the bottom of the tank can help to maintain cleanliness by eating leftover food and debris.

2. Neon or Ember Tetras

Neon and ember tetras are small, schooling fish known for their vibrant colors. They are peaceful and can add movement and visual interest to the aquarium. However, it’s important to keep them in a larger shoal (at least six individuals) to prevent them from becoming targets of the betta’s aggression.

3. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin rasboras are peaceful, active fish that can coexist with bettas. They prefer to live in schools and thrive in a well-planted aquarium. Their bright red and black markings can create a visually appealing contrast with the betta’s colors.

4. Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus catfish, also known as “otos” or “dwarf suckermouth catfish,” are small, algae-eating fish that can be a good match for bettas. They are peaceful, hardy, and can help to keep the tank clean by consuming algae. It’s important to provide sufficient hiding places and vegetation for them.

5. Cherry or Ghost Shrimp

If you’re looking to add some invertebrates to your betta tank, cherry or ghost shrimp can be great options. They are peaceful, low-maintenance, and can coexist well with bettas. However, it’s important to note that bettas may sometimes see shrimp as potential prey, so it’s wise to monitor their interactions.

Avoiding Incompatible Tank Mates

While some fish species can coexist peacefully with bettas, there are others that should be avoided due to their aggressive nature or incompatible needs:

  • Avoid keeping other betta fish together, especially two males, as they are likely to fight.
  • Avoid brightly colored or long-finned fish, as they may trigger the betta’s aggression.
  • Avoid fin-nipping fish such as tiger barbs or guppies, as they may damage the betta’s delicate fins.
  • Avoid fish that prefer different water parameters, such as those that require colder or more alkaline water.

In Conclusion

Betta fish can coexist harmoniously with certain fish species, provided the tank mates are chosen carefully. Corydoras catfish, neon or ember tetras, harlequin rasboras, otocinclus catfish, and cherry or ghost shrimp are generally considered compatible options. However, it’s important to monitor their interactions and provide a suitable environment for all tank inhabitants. By following these guidelines, you can create a thriving and peaceful community aquarium with your betta fish.



