What other animals can live with betta fish

What Other Animals Can Live With Betta Fish?

What Other Animals Can Live With Betta Fish?

When setting up an aquarium, it is essential to consider the compatibility of different fish species and other aquatic animals. One popular fish that many people choose for their home aquarium is the Betta fish. However, it is crucial to know which other animals can coexist peacefully with Betta fish to create a harmonious and thriving aquatic habitat.

1. Snails

Snails are a great companion for Betta fish. They help in maintaining a clean and healthy tank by consuming algae. Snails also do not compete for resources and are generally peaceful creatures. The most recommended snail species to keep with Betta fish are Nerite snails and Mystery snails.

2. Shrimp

Shrimp can be compatible tank mates for Betta fish, but caution should be exercised. Some Betta fish may see shrimp as potential food and may attack or harass them. However, keeping ghost shrimp or cherry shrimp with Betta fish has been successful for many aquarists. Before introducing shrimp, ensure your Betta fish has a calm and peaceful temperament.

3. African Dwarf Frogs

African Dwarf Frogs can be fascinating companions for Betta fish. They are fully aquatic and spend most of their time swimming. However, it is crucial to provide hiding spots and plants for the frogs to rest on the water’s surface. Make sure the tank is large enough to accommodate both species comfortably.

4. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that can live harmoniously with Betta fish. They are peaceful and will not bother your Betta. However, ensure that the catfish species you choose prefer similar water parameters as Betta fish, such as temperature and pH levels.

5. Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras are small, colorful fish that are visually appealing and can coexist with Betta fish. However, it is crucial to consider the size of the aquarium and the number of tetras you plan to keep. In smaller tanks, the territory of the Betta fish may become an issue, leading to aggressiveness.


While Betta fish are known for their solitary nature, there are several compatible tank mates that can live peacefully with them. Snails, shrimp, African Dwarf Frogs, Corydoras Catfish, and Neon Tetras are some of the suitable choices. It is essential to pay attention to the temperament of your Betta fish and carefully introduce and monitor any new tank mates. By creating a harmonious community aquarium, you can provide a visually stunning and enriching environment for your Betta fish and other aquatic companions.



