What other fish can you put in with a betta

What Other Fish Can You Put In With a Betta? – [Keyword]

What Other Fish Can You Put In With a Betta?

Keeping betta fish as pets provides an opportunity to create a beautifully vibrant and mesmerizing aquarium. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the tank mates that can coexist harmoniously with bettas. In this article, we will explore the various fish species that can be safely housed with bettas, ensuring a peaceful and thriving aquatic environment.

Key Points:

  • Male bettas are known for their aggressive behavior and territorial nature, often attacking other fish with long, flowing fins or similar colors.
  • It is recommended to keep bettas either alone or with compatible tank mates that are peaceful, non-threatening, and have different swimming patterns.
  • Choosing the right tank mates for bettas helps create a balanced ecosystem while minimizing the risk of aggression, stress, and physical injuries.

Compatible Fish Species:

1. Neons and Tetras:

Small schooling fish, such as neon tetras and ember tetras, make excellent tank mates for bettas. They have peaceful temperaments and contrasting colors that enhance the visual appeal of the aquarium. It is important to keep these species in small groups of at least six to ensure their well-being.

2. Corydoras Catfish:

Corydoras catfish are bottom-dwellers adored for their charming appearance and peaceful nature. They can be an ideal match for bettas as they inhabit a different part of the aquarium and are less likely to provoke aggression. Keeping them in groups of three or more is recommended.

3. Guppies:

Guppies are colorful, small-sized fish that coexist well with bettas. Both species showcase vibrant hues, making for an eye-catching display. However, it is important to avoid housing male guppies with long, flowing tails, as they may trigger aggression from bettas.

4. Snails:

Snails, such as nerite snails or mystery snails, can be great companions for bettas. Not only do they add an interesting aesthetic touch to the aquarium with their unique shell patterns, but they also serve a practical purpose by keeping the tank clean. Snails are peaceful and generally do not pose a threat to bettas.

5. Kuhli Loach:

Kuhli loaches are slender, eel-like fish that are active during the night. Their shy nature often keeps them out of the betta’s reach. These interesting, worm-like fish can provide an intriguing addition to the tank while minimizing the risk of conflicts.


While bettas are known for their stunning appearance, it is essential to choose tank mates carefully. By selecting compatible fish species, such as neons and tetras, corydoras catfish, guppies (with caution), snails, and kuhli loaches, you can create a captivating and well-balanced aquarium. Ensuring the coexistence of these fish will lead to a peaceful and thriving underwater habitat that will bring joy and fascination to any fish enthusiast.



